Anyway, after much aimless wandering and window browsing, I decided to stop into the Lush store on 14th street and after being told that Proactiv (my skincare staple) was basically poison, I was suckered into buying these...

I have only used them once, but I loves them so far. The all natural factor is definately appreciated.I will be reviewing them once I've had time to test and such. Be excited, I am!
Oh, and totally unrelated, but Jamba Juice's "Strawberry Nirvana" really is like a little piece of heaven. Do I spy an addiction coming on?
i am so in love with lush products!! especially that soap, its divine! i use the veganese conditioner too, everything from that store is just perfect!
Hey Kim! I've been reading your blog for some time now and I've gotta say i'm glad you're out of the hiatus that was going on... I was gonna contact you a lot earlier, but I'm doing it now cuz I've just started my own blog and, as I've noticed so far, we've got a lot of common interests, so I figured you wouldn't mind getting to know someone new. So, drop by my blog or mail me any time you like, I'll be glad to hear from you! Bye!
abby: Lush is amazing!
kristina: Thanks!
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