Rumi wearing the ring.

The ring.
I OWN THIS!!! Ok not yet, but I paid for it. Funny story: Today I discovered that my ring fingers on each hand are different sizes. Weird, right???
Ok, back to the ring. After seeing Rumi rock hers in soooo many of her posts, I decided that I needed it in my life too. Sadly, ShopBop and Intermix didn't have it/were sold out. Determined, I searched and found that it was available at Chick Downtown (my fave new cheap-looking/brazilliant site) but only in a size 7. "Crap", I thought, until I realized that I could wear it on my left hand. Problem solved, ring bought. Thank heavens for my freakish asymmetry (my feet are different sizes as well)...
Oh, and to top it all off, I managed to find a code online and paid less than retail. Score!
Freakin' Rumi and her amazing style...
Photos: fashiontoast.com, chickdowntown.com
chickdowntown has such a fanastic selection of elizabeth and james. i love the green flannel top.
The ring is very special and cool.
Maybe it it sorta crazy to reveal it, but my feet are different sizes as well. Just by a little, but still. And the fingers on my left palm are longer than on my right, but that's because I played the guitar for years. Suddenly this doesn't seem like something I should leave as a comment:)
katie: I agree. In a perfect world I could afford the entire line.
mimi: Thanks!
kristina: I pondered mentioning my "deformities" as well. Glad to know that I'm not the alone in my uniqueness. ( I think I just totally contradicted myself...)
I love her style, too.
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