Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wish [ I Could Afford] List

Clockwise: Nine West Sulliban Sandals, Nine West Heech Gladiators, Bijules Curved Bar Rings, Anna Corinna City Tote (in tan/white for me, of course), Ray Ban Aviator Sunglasses, Stuart Weitzman 'Nanny' Oxford and what wish list would be complete without Marc Jacobs boots...

I feel only slightly ashamed at the fact that shoes make up more than half of this list. In theory, I might have been able to afford the Nine West pairs about 24 hours ago and I would have bought at least one, but I opted to buy a new Elen Gotti handbag instead. I am in LOVE with it. I'm talking full on to come.



Anonymous said...

Hello! I enjoy your blog! :] & nice to meet you.

Anonymous said...

looking at the pictures (and reading your article) got me thinking - if I'd contribute and make like... a common investment and wear them clockwise too? Well it would be difficult for the aviators and the tote par ex.. But I'll leave the tote to you :D and maybe, just MAYBEEEE the aviators.. but then I'd get an extra round on the shoes?;;)

EvaAmarri said...

hey check my blog. u've been tagged

Kim said...

apricot: how sweet. thank you!!!

kpriss:'s a deal.

fashion ivy: lol...i acknowledge the tag. thanks. i did do a 'random things you didn't need to know about me' post not too long ago, so i'll hold off for now. i don't think you all are ready to know the full extent of my randomness just yet...