Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Trench Obsessed

The title says it all. I'm thinking my next purchase will be a transitional trench since I give it, oh, 2 weeks before the NYC weather starts mind screwing me...Let me tell you, there's nothing more annoying than than NYC mornings in the early spring. I leave my house/dorm in 30 degree waether and by the then BAM it's in the 5mid 60s and I'm in a wool coat...sucks!

Obviously MK and I share a brain...


Photos: ohnotheydidnt


eluv said...

i deffinitly want a trench too. and mary kate looks so chic, as always. much love. xx.

Trendy Gourmandise said...

nice trench

Macy said...

lovely trench indeed.

as much as I admire MKs ability to wear whatever the hell she wants, I sure wish someone would give her a hairbrush from time to time.

viagra online said...

I really like this coat which is more like a windbreaker. I think beige is the perfect color to wear during fall.