Saturday, November 29, 2008


Is it weird that I'm attracted to these odd looking beauties. I's probably wear them a la Raych. Please let me know if you think they're fabulous or if I'm losing my mind and they're absolutely hideous...

(shoes: nine west)

In other news, I've pared down my shoe collection to the bare essentials-all frivilous/unworn pairs have been discarded or sold through my eBay store. I must add that I feel very accomplished having done this. So as much as I post about new shoes, I won't be buying any! Next up...handbags. Also, look out for a shoe essentials post coming soon!


Vera said...

hmm don't much care for them, it's another aesthetic..

Meghan Fabulous said...

Linked you to Meghan by Meghan Fabulous! Thanks for the comments!

Anonymous said...

Nice shoes! I also do the same thing, I stopped selling on Ebay because their fees are too high, now. I try to sell via my blog. I purge shoes I'm not wearing so I can invest in new ones.

BTW: Tried to send you an email to exchange links, but no addy posted on your blog.