Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Ubiquitous 'Gossip Girl' Post...

If you've ever taken the time to read that little bit about me at the side of my blog, you'd know that I've recently given up television. I've managed to limit my weekly viewing to one or two 'good' shows, if I have the time that is...In case you're wondering, mymost recent television obsession just happens to be Gossip Girl. I'm sure you're all shocked, it being such an obscure program and all... Interestingly enough, the fact that everyone watches/discusses this show only makes me slightly less embarassed that I watch it in the first place. I'm hesitant about mentioning that I've also read one of the books...overnight, might I add. I guess I can't help being fascinated with the misfortune that plagues the Upper East Side elite. But enough of my ranting, the main reason I watch the show...the fashion. I think what fascinates me the most is the way the stylist exaggerates, but never overstyles. The clothes are risky, but never obnoxious. I believe what I see. That someone could totally pull those outfits together..given that they posessed a small fortune. Sorry, but I doubt I'll your average high school student is parading down Fifth Avenue, Valentino handbag in tow. It's always fun to pretend though...

Side note: I totally wore that plaid tunic/jumper/dress(?) that 'Jenny' (above) is wearing up until I got to the sixth grade...true story. Same print and everything. I called it a 'tunic' back then, though...

Photos: The Fashion Spot

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